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Posted 2018-11-10 19:31:36 Check the calendar below left for what's up next. Click below (Order Prints via SmugMug Pro) to find event images currently available. Most of the time this is through our SmugMug page (where images are actually available not only as prints but also as digital files in 4 sizes & various imprinted items), though occasionally we work through someone else & then the link goes to their page. Rather than packages, which I feel are too ridged, for orders over $30 use discount code FPS1030 for 10% off, over $60 use FPS2060 for 20% off (applicable to purchases from our SmugMug page only, not when we are hired out to other photographers such as RunMichigan or TimeFrame). ![]() Welcome Whether your imaging needs are for commercial, editorial or portrait use we capture the feeling you want expressed. Whatever it takes to produce the desired image. Each assignment we undertake is a custom job� no cookbook shots here. We work with you to produce the image that fulfills your needs. The images on this site are just a sample of what we can do. Take a look around�then tell us what your needs are and let us show you what our expertise can do to produce the image that you envision.
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